Installing a car safety seat properly is one of the most important steps a parent can take to keep their children safe. Parents in Georgia and throughout the country are encouraged to install seats in a rear-facing direction until the children meet requirements established by the manufacturer. Once those thresholds have been met, the seat should face forward. The child should use the seat until he or she is too heavy or too tall for it.
Parents can use booster seats designed for older children until they are able to use a seat belt safely.
This usually happens by the time a child turns 12, but children should not sit in the front seat before they turn age 13. Parents are encouraged to take their time regardless of what type of seat that they are installing. The American Academy of Pediatrics has said that 95 percent of parents leaving a hospital with a newborn make errors installing a car seat.
Those who need help installing the seat may be able to get help doing so at a local fire station.
However, parents should not assume that everyone there will know what to do. Ideally, seats will be installed by Child Passenger Safety Technicians. These individuals who have been certified in car seat safety may be available at dealerships or local hospitals.
A child could suffer a serious injury in a car wreck if he or she is not properly secured.
This goes for adults as well. Those who have been hurt may need both short- and long-term medical care.
If a wreck is caused by another party’s negligence, a lawyer can help a victim obtain compensation for medical bills and other damages related to the crash. Call us today to speak with one of our personal injury attorneys. Our primary goal is to make sure you and your loved ones recover from your injuries and ensure you are compensated for everything you’ve been through.