Success Stories
We love our clients.
Here are some people from our community whom we are proud to have worked with:
Car wreck victim recovers lost wages due to permanent medical issues
Our psychologist client traveled across a large part of Georgia to care for her patients. One day, a car crashed into her while she was at a stop light. At the moment of the collision, she was looking over her left shoulder waiting for traffic to allow her to merge.
Our client had injuries to her neck and shoulder. While those symptoms got better over time, she began having severe dizzy spells that would disorient her and make her very unsteady on her feet. Her doctors were so concerned about her dizziness that they suggested she stop driving and only resume her duties of driving to and from patient’s homes once they could fix her dizziness.
The other side in this case argued that our client was not severely injured in the crash. They argued the dizziness was unrelated to her car crash. NSW hired nationally recognized medical professionals to evaluate her. They stated that the way she was turned looking over her shoulder at the time of the crash was important. They explained how her inner ear was damaged in the collision and how the inner ear is the key to balance and orientation.
Because of the strength of the medical expert’s testimony, the insurance company accepted that her balance issues were due to the crash and also that her inability to drive had impaired her ability to earn a living as before.
Our efforts resulted in our client recovering a mid six figure settlement to compensate for her lost income, her past and future medical expenses, as well as compensation for lost future income and employment opportunities due to her injury. Our client was able to make adjustments to her life and work, and she has the financial resources to address whatever problems may still result from her inner ear injury.
Teen paralyzed at work gets the care he needs
Our 19 year old client was working a summer job at a lumber yard. A load of lumber on a truck bed shifted and fell from the truck as he began to offload the wood. A board struck him on the top of his head and broke his neck, making him a quadriplegic instantly.
He obviously needed lifetime medical assistance, including 24-hour nursing care. His employer and their insurance company fought his claim for home nursing care. They argued he should live out the rest of his life in a nursing home. The fact that he was a mere teenager did not matter to them. They argued he belonged in a nursing home for life, surrounded by the very elderly and infirm.
NSW began litigation against both the employer and the insurer. The case was vigorously prosecuted by NSW and ultimately went to the Georgia Court of Appeals, which ruled that our client was entitled to remain in his home. The employer was required to modify his home to accommodate his new physical limitations with ramps, bathroom modifications and similar improvements to the house. He was also entitled to have nurses remain in his home on a round-the-clock basis for the remainder of his life.
Our client lives his life as independently as possible now. Through our efforts, he was provided the financial resources to ensure that he can live his life in his own home, with all the medical and attendant care he will need. His life will never be the same, but we gave him the best outcome he could hope for, where he can thrive living on his own and pursuing his dreams of video game design.
Toddler receives care and support for life after tragic injury
Our young client was born with some medical problems that required him to have a nurse with him around the clock. His medical issue was going to be corrected as he grew, however, in the meantime, he needed a lot of nursing care in his home. When he was just a year old, he was home alone with his nurse. As she fed him his lunch, the young boy choked on the food. His nurse unfortunately failed to use the available emergency equipment to clear his airway and restore the flow of oxygen to his brain.
He went into a full arrest; he stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating for several minutes. The nurse called 911. First responders were able to save his life by restoring his breathing and heart rate, but irreversible brain damage had occurred.
A security camera in the room captured the tragic events, including the nurse’s failure to perform basic life saving techniques. NSW assembled a medical and financial team to determine what our young client’s life would most likely have to include to assure his health and safety. He will need medical and nursing care forever. He will need special education to try to develop speech and motor skills. He will need income for life because he will be unable to earn a living as an adult.
The case was successfully resolved for a substantial seven figure amount. Our client’s parents know he now has the resources and medical care to make the most of his life. They know their son has a secure financial future, which allows them to spend their time with him helping him grow and thrive.
Best friends compensated for workplace injuries
Our two hard working clients were close friends and worked together in a large factory. Their job was to oversee operation of large pressure vessels, or boilers, needed to produce power at the plant. As part of the initial cleaning process, the friends were required to pressurize a small 13 gallon metal pot. This little pot was filled with highly caustic chemicals which were supposed to have been released by a valve into a nearby, much larger boiler to clean it. The little pot was going to be pressurized to 600 psi. For comparison, most passenger car tires are pressurized to 35 psi.
The small pot suddenly exploded without warning as both men were working with it. The chemicals covered them both and temporarily blinded both. Feeling as though they were on fire, they helped each other to find the emergency wash station. Air ambulances took both men for what became long months of medical care and reconstructive surgery. Both men bear scars and impaired vision to this day.
Why did it happen? NSW lawyers discovered a design and equipment flaw. By poring through seemingly endless documents that would fill entire rooms, we discovered that the 13 gallon metal pot was not rated to 600 psi as it should have been. Instead, it was rated only to 200 psi, only 1/3 as strong as it should have been, which is why it exploded within seconds while our clients were still close to it.
The discovery of that information lead to a significant seven figure financial recovery. They remain best friends and feel certain that each saved the other’s life that day.
College education and financial compensation for family of father killed at work
Our client worked at the same factory for over 25 years. He could always be counted on to help his coworkers, and his experience could sniff out a problem with plant machinery in almost no time. He was an asset to his company, his friends and especially his family, which included his ten-year-old son.
One day at the factory, a high pressure water jet was not working properly, and as always, our client was called in to troubleshoot the problem. As he disappeared behind the large machine, his coworkers heard a loud bang. They ran around the machine to find that he had been instantly killed when a torrent of high pressure water tore through his chest.
NSW lawyers were contacted that very day, and immediate steps were taken to coordinate with state and federal authorities who investigate workplace deaths. The results of all investigations showed that our client had done nothing wrong. The threads in a critical part of the high pressure metal cutter had become worn over time, and failed just as he stepped close to the machine. Proper maintenance would have prevented his death.
NSW lawyers achieved a substantial financial settlement for our client’s family including college education for his young son when that day arrives. His wife, family and friends miss his light and laugh, but thankfully his absence will not deprive his family of the things he devoted his life to providing for them.